About Giving Map

With COVID-19, we face a foe unlike any other. The flash points and hot spots change from day to day. The casualties are not only healthcare workers without masks or ventilators. They are Americans who have lost their jobs and even their homes. They are all of us, struggling to cope with the new reality of social distancing. They are Americans grappling with depression and anxiety. They are musicians, athletes, and performing artists who have lost their vocation and their livelihood. Our culture and communities are hard pressed to rebound.

The goal of Giving Map is to empower individuals to give whatever they can to the local organizations who will have the most impact. Our site helps you find tax-deductible, nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations in the places with the greatest disruption. These nonprofits include hospitals and healthcare organizations, but also food pantries, employment assistance missions, and groups making masks and face shields. Giving Map is a nonpartisan organization and we do not discriminate based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, disability status, or sexual orientation. We do not take any commission for our listings, but simply refer visitors to the appropriate donation sites. All of our listings are screened. We accept donation links for registered nonprofit 501(c)3 charities only.

Black Lives Matter. Donate to show your support.


Our web hosting is carbon neutral. We strive to be a model for sustainability and integrate earth-friendly practices wherever possible. We believe that even in times of tragedy, we also find opportunity to make our world better. We believe that in the wake of COVID-19, our nation can rebuild to reduce our carbon footprint to integrate eco-friendly practices in business and daily life. Loving the Earth is not a zero sum game.